The domestic handset maker Ringing Bells has officially launched a new smartphone namely ‘The Freedom 251‘ in New Delhi on February 17. The event was attended by Murli Manohar Joshi, MP, with the Union defence minister Manohar Parrikar as the chief guest on Wednesday evening. This new smartphone is considered as the world’s cheapest smartphone which is priced at an affordable price of Rs. 251. This smartphone was launched in line with the Indian government’s Make in India, Digital India, and Skill India programs.

The Noida-based company has announced that the smartphone will be available for pre-booking starting February 18, i.e., yesterday from morning 6 AM and the window will be open till February 21, 8 PM. But, the official website where one can make their booking for the Freedom 251 smartphone was crashed and the site was down. For some of them, the site was opened and upon filling the details and hitting on the Pay button, the page just reloaded again and again. The company had not yet given any sort of clarification on this issue on their official Facebook page.

Freedom 251, arguably the world’s cheapest smartphone, has become a hot topic this week for its shockingly low price tag of Rs 251. However, the world’s cheapest smartphone exposes itself under scrutiny for that very low price tag. The Freedom 251 smartphone raised numerous questions and many people have been waiting curiously to get some clarification about the phone. Here is a video of Rajiv Makhni who interacted with the president of Ringing Bells, Ashok Chadha, and the Managing Director Mohit Goel to spot out just how the company has managed to value the smartphone at a mere Rs 251, and several uncertainties regarding the delivery of the smartphone

In an exclusive interview, the president and the Managing Director of Ringing Bells were asked two main questions:

  • How can this phone be for Rs 251?
  • How many smartphone units will be delivered for a guarantee in the Indian market?
“We are not hiding anything,” Goel said in response to questions about concerns raised over whether the phones would reach consumers. The money collected is being kept in an escrow account and the company won’t get the funds till the deliveries are done. Orders will be taken for a maximum of 25 lakh phones online and another 25 lakh offline. “We are promising 100% deliveries to all 50 lakh bookings by June 30, starting from April,” Goel said.

Watch the Exclusive Interview of Ringing Bells President Clears All Doubts About Freedom 251 Smartphone:

How to Book Freedom 251 Online 

They have rectified all the issues of the website and anyone who are looking to purchase the Freedom 251 smartphone will be able to book the smartphone from today. The company assured that 50 Lakh smartphone units will be delivered in the month of June 30. Let’s hope the Freedom 251 smartphone will be delivered soon as promised for an inexpensive price tag.

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